Not I Revealed - Our performances of Not I were completed today, we viewed each others performances and formed a group discussion on our opinions of our work. Everyone as I thought they would, had come up with completely different interpretations of Beckett's, what seemed random script. None of us even came close to the way in which Samuel Beckett originally staged and had the performance produced, which is shown in this YouTube video link (Not I Video). It shows the mouth of a female actress and the mouth alone, performing the entire script. I also am aware that a cloaked figure is also present on stage, who does nothing but point throughout the piece.
At first, the way this is produced appears plain and boring, but when the piece is studied I began to realise that actually it takes a very skilled actor or actress to perform such a piece. It is performed at a very fast pace without a break and the lips themselves become a character. If I learnt anything from studying the extract it was:
- That there often there can be no right or wrong answer in theatre, as everything can be interpreted in different ways.
- Never as an actor to underestimate the power of speech
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