Thursday 23rd October
I arrived today to find myself a little behind schedule, thanks to my illness on Monday, with most of the group starting to feel the staging of their pieces coming together.
After wasting the first ten or fifteen minutes of the lecture (trying to find a copy of Look Back In Anger, after forgetting mine!) I sat down for a proper read through of my lines, while trying to add meaning to them, and getting to know my character.
In order for us to feel that we new our character better we performed the following activity:
Character imagination – Everyone lay down on the floor and closed their eyes Cara then asked us to imagine the character, as if they were standing in front of us. We were then told to build a visual image of our character's first impressions, e.g. their stance, posture, clothing, facial expression, clothing etc. We then ‘jumped into our character, getting up into the same figure we had imagined, then went around the room greeting all the other characters in the room. This was a very useful activity as we were able to gain an idea of how the character would act being in their shoes in relation to others. To finish we shared ideas and opinions on everyone’s character and explained our first impressions of each other.